Séminaire de Physique Théorique


23rd Jan, 2025Xinliang Lyu Three-dimensional Real Space Renormalization Group with Well-controlled Approximations
15th Jan, 2025Joon-Hwi Kim Newman-Janis Shift and Beyond
17th Dec, 2024Rajeev Erramilli Bootstrapping the 3d Ising Stress Tensor
4th Dec, 2024Anna Wolz The Hierarchical Three-Body Problem at $\mathcal{O}(G^2)$
28th Nov, 2024Erik Panzer Combinatorial Feynman Integrals and Apery
20th Nov, 2024Murat Kologlu Gravitational Energy Correlators
14th Nov, 2024Francesco Riva Microscopic Bounds on Macroscopic Theories
6th Nov, 2024Paolo Arnaudo Schwarzschild Quasinormal Modes and the Small Frequency Expansion
31st Oct, 2024Giovanni Rizi Intro to the SymTFT
24th Oct, 2024Giovanni Galati Symmetries, Universes and Phases of QCD2 with an Adjoint Dirac Fermion
16th Oct, 2024Oliver Long Black Hole Scattering in the Strong-Field Regime: Merging Post-Minkowskian Theory with Numerical Methods
11th Oct, 2024Zahra Zahraee Bootstrapping EEC and OPE data in Planar N=4 SYM
9th Oct, 2024Fei Teng Generic Spinning Binaries from the Scattering Amplitude Perspective
2nd Oct, 2024Marina David Near-Extremal Black Holes in Higher Derivative Theories of Gravity
20th Jun, 2024Anton Kapustin Anomalies on a Lattice
4th Jun, 2024A. Liam Fitzpatrick Holography and Regge Phases with U(1) Charge
10th May, 2024Adam Nahum Z2 Gauge Theory in Three Dimensions: Self-Dual Criticality and Emergent Symmetry
17th Apr, 2024Nima Afkhami-Jeddi Exponentially Slow Thermalization and WGC in AdS/CFT
20th Mar, 2024Joan Elias Miró Hamiltonian Truncation Crafted for UV-divergent QFTs
13th Mar, 2024Kausik Ghosh Revisiting Single Correlator Numerical Bootstrap Using Analytic Functionals
28th Feb, 2024Gregorio Carullo Black Hole Spectroscopy: From a Mathematical Problem to an Observational Reality
14th Feb, 2024Yin-Chen He Physics Meets Geometry: a Fuzzy Sphere Odyssey in Critical Phenomena
7th Dec, 2023Matthew Yu U-duality Anomaly Cancelation
5th Dec, 2023Anatoly Konechny Conformal Boundary Conditions, Cardy's Variational Ansatz and Phase Structure of 2D QFTs
16th Nov, 2023Junchen Rong From O(3) to Cubic CFT: Conformal Perturbation and the Large Charge Sector
14th Nov, 2023Martin Hasenbusch Precise Monte Carlo Estimates of Universal Quantities: Improved Lattice Models and Finite Size Scaling
23rd Oct, 2023John Cardy Bulk Renormalization Group Flows and Boundary States in Conformal Field Theories
9th Oct, 2023Balt van Rees Perturbative RG Flows in AdS
3rd Oct, 2023Thomas Scaffidi Complex CFT in the O(n) Loop Model: Numerical Evidence for Loss of Conformality in the Large-n Limit
20th Jun, 2023Yuto Moriwaki Bootstrap Hypothesis – From Algebraic Point of View
13th Jun, 2023Clément Delcamp Higher Categorical Symmetries on the Lattice
1st Jun, 2023Justin Kulp Self-Similar Quasicrystals and Hyperbolic Honeycombs
9th May, 2023Nick Jones Bulk boundary correspondence in long-range quantum chains
18th Apr, 2023Thomas Fischbacher A Quick Introduction to Machine Learning
23rd Feb, 2023Federico Piazza Properties of Average Distances and Emergent Causality
15th Dec, 2022Leonardo Rastelli Informal Update on Bootstrapping Large N QCD
25th Nov, 2022Julio Parra-Martinez Soft Theorems: Symmetry and Geometry
25th May, 2022Anatoly Dymarski Optimal Narain Theories from Codes
15th Apr, 2022Henri Epstein Archeological remarks on analyticity properties in momentum space in QFT, Part II : details on the 4-point function
8th Mar, 2022Massimiliano Maria Riva et Filippo Vernizzi Worldline Approach to Gravitational Bremsstrahlung
15th Dec, 2021Henri Epstein Archeological Remarks on Analyticity Properties in Momentum Space in QFT
6th Dec, 2021Sylvain Ribault Global Symmetry and Conformal Bootstrap in the Two-Dimensional O(n) Model
15th Nov, 2021Andrei Smilga Spin(7) and Generalized SO(8) Instantons in Eight Dimensions
27th Oct, 2021Antoine Tilloy Variational Method in 1+1 Dimensional Relativistic Field Theory
18th Oct, 2021Ritam Sinha The Bi-conical Vector Model at 1/N
28th Jan, 2020Emil Akhmedov Ultraviolet Phenomena in AdS Self-interacting Quantum Field Theory
20th Jan, 2020Alexander M. Polyakov Turbulence and Quantum Field Theory
26th Nov, 2019Yifei He Geometrical Four-Point Functions of 2d Critical Q-State Potts Model
26th Sep, 2019Dmitri Bykov Flag Manifold Sigma-Models
16th Sep, 2019Jens Hoppe U(1)-invariant minimal 3-manifolds
10th Jul, 2019Guillaume Bossard On Supersymmetric E11 Exceptional Field Theory
9th Jul, 2019Eliezer Rabinovici On the Time Dependence of Complexities
22nd May, 2019Anatoly Dymarsky Quantum KdV Hierarchy in 2nd CFTs
13th May, 2019Pierpaolo Mastrolia Feynman Integrals and Intersection Theory
26th Apr, 2019 Apratim Kaviraj & Emilio Trevisani Supersymmetry and Dimensional Reduction in Random Field Models
25th Apr, 2019Fidel Schaposnik Massolo On Phases of Melonic Quantum Mechanics
24th Apr, 2019Stefanos Kousvos Three Dimensional Cubic Symmetric CFTs in the Bootstrap and their Applications
23rd Apr, 2019Pierre Toledano Introduction to Structural Phase Transitions
19th Apr, 2019Miguel Paulos A Functional Approach to the Numerical Conformal Bootstrap
18th Apr, 2019Mikhail Isachenkov Solving Large N Double-Scaled SYK
17th Apr, 2019Volker Schomerus The Casimir Equation for 4D Superconformal Blocks
20th Mar, 2019Stefan Hollands Modular Flows in Quantum Field Theory
31st Jan, 2019Sergiu Klainerman On the Nonlinear Stability of Black Holes
5th Dec, 2018Pierre Cartier Some remarks on the energy-momentum tensor in general relativity
3rd Dec, 2018Miguel Paulos A more functional bootstrap
29th Nov, 2018Georgios Papadopoulos Robinson Structures and the Double Copy
22nd Nov, 2018Frank Verstraete Tensor networks for describing correlated quantum systems
20th Nov, 2018Anatoly Dymarsky Timescale of ergodicity: when many-body quantum systems can be described by Random Matrix Theory?
8th Nov, 2018Junya Yagi Unification of integrability in supersymmetric gauge theories
9th May, 2018Gordon Slade Critical exponents for long-range O(n) models
8th Mar, 2018Sandipan Kundu Three Lectures on Causality in Conformal Field Theory (3/3)
7th Mar, 2018Sandipan Kundu Three Lectures on Causality in Conformal Field Theory (2/3)
22nd Feb, 2018Sandipan Kundu Three Lectures on Causality in Conformal Field Theory (1/3)
21st Feb, 2018Marco Meineri Universality at Large Transverse Spin in Defect CFT
30th Jan, 2018Pavel Saponov Cayley-Hamilton Identity and Drinfeld-Sokolov Reduction in Quantum Algebras
21st Dec, 2017Mikhail Isachenkov Conformal Blocks and Integrability
19th Dec, 2017Emil Akhmedov Surprises of quantization in de Sitter space
5th Dec, 2017Fidel I. Schaposnik Massolo Phase Diagram of Planar Matrix Quantum Mechanics, Tensor and SYK Models (arXiv: 1707.03431)
6th Oct, 2017Bruno Le Floch Surface defects and instanton-vortex moduli spaces
26th Sep, 2017Carlangelo Liverani The Lorentz Gas : New Results and Open Problems
28th Jun, 2017Ali CHAMSEDDINE Resolving Space-Time Singularities in Mimetic Gravity
21st Jun, 2017Ali CHAMSEDDINE Beyond the Standard Model in Noncommutative Geometry and Mimetic Dark Matter
16th Jun, 2017Raymond GOLDSTEIN Dynamic Interconversions of Minimal Surfaces
18th Apr, 2017Nikita SOPENKO Surface defects and instanton-vortex interaction
15th Mar, 2017Brian WILLIAMS Higher chiral differential operators
1st Mar, 2017Philsang YOO Physics of Langlands Dualities
22nd Feb, 2017Yegor ZENKEVICH Ding-Iohara-Miki algebra and gauge theories
20th Feb, 2017Pavel SAFRONOV A q-deformation of the geometric Langlands correspondence
10th Feb, 2017Jürg FRÖHLICH The Classical XY Model – Vortex- and Random Walk Representations
17th Jan, 2017Pavel SAPONOV Braided Yangians
28th Nov, 2016Vyacheslav RYCHKOV State of the art of conformal bootstrap (2/2)
21st Nov, 2016Vyacheslav RYCHKOV State of the art of conformal bootstrap (1/2)
15th Nov, 2016Bethan CROPP Hints of quantum gravity from the horizon fluid
15th Nov, 2016Taro KIMURA Elliptic deformation of W-algebras from 6d quiver gauge theory
20th Oct, 2016Michele CIRAFICI Framed BPS states from framed BPS quivers
14th Sep, 2016Peter KOROTEEV Elliptic algebras and large-N supersymmetric gauge theories
12th Jul, 2016Artan SHESHMANI Donaldson-Thomas theories and modular forms and S-duality conjecture
18th May, 2016Dmytro VOLIN All unitary representations of su(p,qIm)
13th Apr, 2016Sergei ALEXANDROV D-instantons, mock modular forms and BPS partition functions
6th Apr, 2016Nicolas BOULANGER Spin two duality in linearised gravity around ads
1st Apr, 2016Anne TAORMINA Mathieu Moonshine
12th Jan, 2016Dmitri GUREVICH Quantum matrix algebras and their applications
8th Jan, 2016Tin SULEJMANPASIC An inextricable link : semi-classics and complex saddles
2nd Dec, 2015Vasily SAZONOV Convergent series : from lattice models to QCD
12th Nov, 2015Seth HOPPER Finding self-force quantities in a post-Newtonian expansion: Eccentric orbits on a Schwarzschild background
27th Oct, 2015Hovhannes M. KHUDAVERDIAN The modular class of an odd Poisson supermanifold and second order operators on half-densities
13th Oct, 2015Semyon KLEVTSOV Geometry of Quantum Hall states
30th Sep, 2015Michele CIRAFICI Theories of class S and line defects
20th May, 2015Jnan MAHARANA Scattering of Stringy States and T-duality
21st Apr, 2015Bertrand EYNARD CFTs, and the (quantum) geometry of integrable systems
13th Apr, 2015Ehsan HATEFI String amplitudes of type IIA,IIB string theory with their α’ corrections
7th Apr, 2015Alexander Alexandrov Matrix models for intersection numbers
10th Feb, 2015Tomas PROCHAZKA W infinity and triality
19th Dec, 2014Marco BAGGIO tt∗ equations, localization and exact chiral rings in 4d N=2 SCFTs
20th Jun, 2014Misha SHIFMAN N=(0, 2) Deformation of (2, 2) Sigma Models: Geometric Structure, Holomorphic Anomaly and Exact Beta Functions
22nd May, 2014Piotr SULKOWSKI 3d gauge theories from homological knot invariants
8th Aug, 2013Nikita NEKRASOV BPS/CFT Correspondence
1st Feb, 2013Eliezer RABINOVICI BPS/CFT (In)Stabilities and complementarity in AdS/CFT

23rd January, 2025 - 02:01:00 Xinliang Lyu (IHES)

Three-dimensional Real Space Renormalization Group with Well-controlled Approximations

Kadanoff’s block idea pioneers the renormalization group (RG) theory and clarifies the scaling hypothesis in critical phenomena. Nevertheless, it has difficulty as a quantitatively reliable RG method due to uncontrolled approximations when formulated in the spin language. Reformulated in a modern tensor-network language, the block idea is equipped with a natural measure of RG errors. In 2D, the RG errors are typically smaller than 1% and decrease systematically when more coupling constants are retained in the RG map. The relative error of the estimated free energy of the 2D Ising model can easily go down to about 10-9 using a personal computer.

In 3D, due to the linear growth of entanglement entropy, the RG errors are too large for the block-tensor map to be reliable. For the 3D Ising model, the RG errors grow to more than 10% just after one RG step, and then keep growing to more than 30% near the critical fixed point. Even worse, the estimated scaling dimensions fail to converge with respect to the RG step. We propose an entanglement filtering (EF) scheme to cleanse the redundant entanglement. Enhanced by the proposed EF, the RG errors near the critical fixed point goes down to 6%; they decrease slowly to 2% when more couplings are retained. The estimated scaling dimensions become stable respect to the RG step. The relative errors of the first two relevant fields are 0.4% and 0.1% in the best case. The proposed RG is promising as a systematically-improvable real space RG method in 3D.


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15th January, 2025 - 02:01:00 Joon-Hwi Kim (Caltech)

Newman-Janis Shift and Beyond

Séminaire Amplitudes et Gravitation sur l'Yvette (IHES/IPhT)

In this talk, it will be shown that the Kerr metric describes a pair of self-dual and anti-self-dual Taub-NUT instantons, like the N and S poles of a bar magnet. The implications of this fact will be discussed. Firstly, it derives the Newman-Janis algorithm without an ambiguity: a mathematical procedure that generates spinning black hole solutions from non-spinning ones by means of a complex transformation, previously believed as merely a formal construct. Secondly, it uniquely determines the effective point-particle Lagrangian of Kerr black hole in post-Minkowskian gravity, based on the topological nature of the gravitational Dirac string (Misner string) associated with the NUT charges. This off-shell construction resolves the longstanding struggle that the gravitational dynamics of Kerr black holes at the second post-Minkowskian order is not uniquely, or easily, determinable from the scattering amplitudes methods. The gravitational Compton amplitude for Kerr black hole will be presented, which achieves correct factorizations without spurious poles in a simple manner. Finally, a new chapter of relativity will be proposed, in which spin is intrinsically unified into spacetime: "spinspacetime”.


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17th December, 2024 - 02:12:00 Rajeev Erramilli (IHES)

Bootstrapping the 3d Ising Stress Tensor

I present the results of a new numerical conformal bootstrap study of the 3d Ising CFT involving mixed correlator constraints of the operators σ, ε, and the stress tensor T. These constraints produce new precise determinations of the scaling dimensions (∆σ, ∆ϵ) = (0.518148806(24), 1.41262528(29)) as well as the OPE coefficients involving σ, ε, T. In addition, with the subset of the system only involving the stress tensor, we find universal bounds (i.e. which apply to all local unitary CFTs in 3d) on similar data, as well as hints of universal structures in the space of CFT data. I will also present the variety of methodological and technical challenges that this work entailed which resulted in several improvements and upgrades to the algorithms and software of the numerical bootstrap. This talk is based on 2411.15300 of the same title as well as ongoing work, done in collaboration with Cyuan-Han Chang, Vasiliy Dommes, Alexandre Homrich, Petr Kravchuk, Aike Liu, Matthew S. Mitchell, David Poland, and David Simmons-Duffin.


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4th December, 2024 - 02:12:00 Anna Wolz (UCLA)

The Hierarchical Three-Body Problem at $\mathcal{O}(G^2)$

Séminaire Amplitudes et Gravitation sur l'Yvette (IHES/IPhT)

The hierarchical limit of the three-body problem is relevant to many systems in astrophysics and provides a regime where solutions to the notorious three-body problem can be obtained using techniques from scattering amplitudes and effective field theory. In this talk, I will describe how to model the dynamics of hierarchical triples, which are three-body systems composed of two bodies separated by a distance $r$ and a third body a distance $\rho$ away, with $r \ll \rho$. I will show the application of the method of regions for evaluating Fourier transform integrals by systematically expanding in the small ratio $r/\rho$. With this technique, I will present our results for the conservative three-body potential at $\mathcal{O}(G^2)$ at leading and next-to-leading order in $r/\rho$. Our results are exact in velocity, and can be used in analyses involving both bound and unbound hierarchical triples in astrophysical systems.


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28th November, 2024 - 02:11:00 Erik Panzer (University of Oxford)

Combinatorial Feynman Integrals and Apery

The perturbative expansion of quantum field theory associates numbers (or functions) to combinatorial graphs. These Feynman integrals are often transcendental and hard to evaluate. I will review various combinatorial invariants of graphs that behave similar to these integrals. In particular, I will explain a relation between spanning tree partitions and circuit partitions. It allows for efficient counting of these partitions, producing for every graph an integer sequence that determines the Feynman integral, conjecturally through an Apery-like limit. This is joint work with Francis Brown and Karen Yeats.
(based on https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.05299 and ongoing work)



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20th November, 2024 - 02:11:00 Murat Kologlu (Yale University)

Gravitational Energy Correlators

Séminaire Amplitudes et Gravitation sur l'Yvette (IHES/IPhT)

I will present work in progress on asymptotic detector operators and their measurements in perturbative quantum gravity in asymptotically-flat spacetimes. The simplest example is the energy detector, which in gravity detects outgoing graviton radiation and records its energy. I will review more general detector operators in QFT, defined as light-ray operators, and construct their analogs in gravitational theories. Then I will review how to compute event shapes — correlation functions of detector operators in suitable states — in perturbation theory, repackaged in a modern language. Utilizing this, I will present the first computation of an energy-energy correlator (EEC) in perturbative quantum gravity, to leading nontrivial order in the gravitational coupling. One can think of such observables as capturing a universal part of quantum correlations between idealized LIGO detectors — as unlikely as it may be to be measured in the real world. As a bonus, I will present some results on the two-point correlators of detectors measuring powers of energy and mention work towards the three-point energy correlator (EEEC) in gravity. Along the way, I will comment on the "space of asymptotic detector operators" in a gravitational theory.



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14th November, 2024 - 02:11:00 Francesco Riva (Université de Genève)

Microscopic Bounds on Macroscopic Theories

I will discuss Effective Field Theories that can originate from microscopic unitary theories, and their relation to moment theory. I will show that  theories with isolated massive higher-spin particles, and theories with very irrelevant interactions, don’t posses healthy UV completions, and I will show how Vector Meson Dominance follows from such first principles.


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6th November, 2024 - 02:11:00 Paolo Arnaudo (University of Southampton)

Schwarzschild Quasinormal Modes and the Small Frequency Expansion

Séminaire Amplitudes et Gravitation sur l'Yvette (IHES/IPhT)

We consider linear perturbations around the Schwarzschild black hole in four dimensions. We describe two methods that provide the quantization condition for the quasinormal mode frequencies of the perturbation field. The first method is based on techniques from supersymmetric gauge theory and conformal field theory that allow to explicitly write the connection coefficients for the differential equation encoding the spectral problem. The second method is based on a small-frequency expansion of the solutions of the differential equation, and permits to obtain the corresponding expansion for the elements of the scattering matrix, which have poles in the quasinormal mode frequencies. The relations between the two approaches will be discussed, together with the respective advantages.


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31st October, 2024 - 02:10:00 Giovanni Rizi (IHES)

Intro to the SymTFT

The Symmetry Topological Field Theory (SymTFT) is a realization of the philosophy that symmetries in Quantum Field Theory (QFT) can be studied using tools from Topological Quantum Field Theory (TQFT). In this talk, I will introduce this topic and motivate the construction of the SymTFT for a d-dimensional QFT as a (d+1)-dimensional topological field theory. I will explain how this (d+1)-dimensional theory is completely determined by the global symmetries of the d-dimensional QFT, making it "universal" for all d-dimensional theories sharing the same symmetries. A significant advantage of the SymTFT is its ability to separate kinematical aspects from dynamical ones. This separation enables the analysis of the constraints imposed by a given symmetry structure on the dynamics, with a prime example being 't Hooft anomalies, using only TQFT tools and observables.



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24th October, 2024 - 02:10:00 Giovanni Galati (ULB)

Symmetries, Universes and Phases of QCD2 with an Adjoint Dirac Fermion

I will discuss the dynamics of 2d gauge theories with massless adjoint matter, focusing on scenarios where the theory flows to a non-trivial gapless fixed point. Specifically, I will examine the case of an SU(N) gauge theory coupled to an adjoint Dirac fermion, which is conjectured to flow to a WZW coset model. I will argue that this IR CFT is subtle enough to capture interesting features essential for understanding the (de)confinement mechanisms in gauge theories. While the massless model is gapless and deconfined, I will discuss the conditions under which the theory flows to a gapped confined phase when a mass for the adjoint matter is introduced, showing how this can be predicted by analyzing the intricate symmetry structure of the CFT. Finally, I will use these insights to compute the behavior of the tension of confining strings and comment on how this quantity varies across the massive phase diagram, reaching both known and novel behaviors in specific limits.  

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16th October, 2024 - 02:10:00 Oliver Long (Max-Planck-Institute for Gravitational Physics)

Black Hole Scattering in the Strong-Field Regime: Merging Post-Minkowskian Theory with Numerical Methods

Séminaire Amplitudes et Gravitation sur l'Yvette (IHES/IPhT)

Recent advances in modelling unbound binary black hole interactions have been driven by the application of scattering amplitude methods to generate results within the post-Minkowskian (PM) expansion. However, this expansion breaks down when approaching the strong-field where the large curvature effects become non-negligible. In this talk, I will show how numerical information from self-force (SF), an expansion in the small mass ratio of the system, can inform higher-order coefficients in the PM expansion. I will also show how a single point of SF scattering data can be used to resum the PM series, providing accurate predictions for scattering angles across all separations. Additionally, I will present results from unbound numerical relativity simulations, where the full Einstein field equations are solved for comparable mass systems, and compare these with predictions from PM-informed effective one body models.



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11th October, 2024 - 02:10:00 Zahra Zahraee (CERN)

Bootstrapping EEC and OPE data in Planar N=4 SYM

In this talk, we bootstrap various objects in planar maximally supersymmetric Yang- Mills theory. Focusing on the four-point correlation function of stress-tensor, we first demonstrate why the conventional bootstrap approach fails and new techniques are required. Next, we introduce a set of sum rules that are tailored for this problem as they are sensitive only to single-traces in the OPE expansion. Integrability enters at this stage and provides information on the spectrum of these operators. Their OPE coefficients, however, remain elusive. We then discuss how these sum rules can be employed in numerical bootstrap to nonperturbatively bound the OPE coefficients, the four-point correlation function and the energy-energy correlator. We show, for the first time, rigorous non-perturbative results for the planar OPE coefficient of single-trace operators as well as the correlation function at various points in cross-ratio space. Additionally, focusing on the energy-energy correlator (EEC), we present rigorous bounds for its spin 2 and spin 3 Legendre coefficients as well as the full EEC function at various angles. These results were obtained for a wide range of  t’Hooft couplings, highlighting the power of the bootstrap in probing non-perturbative aspects of planar N=4 SYM theory.

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9th October, 2024 - 02:10:00 Fei Teng (Fudan University)

Generic Spinning Binaries from the Scattering Amplitude Perspective

Séminaire Amplitudes et Gravitation sur l'Yvette (IHES/IPhT)

In conventional world-line formalism for spinning binaries in general relativity, one assumes that the dynamical degrees of freedom for spin are the completely captured by the rest frame canonical spin. A spin supplementary condition (SSC) is then necessary to remove redundancies. We study this problem from an amplitude-based field theory perspective. In higher spin field theories, it is notoriously difficult to impose transverse and traceless conditions when interactions are included. We take an alternative approach and keep the additional degrees of freedom. We see that for generic Wilson coefficients, we obtain a system with a dynamical mass dipole that has physical effect starting at the quadrupole level. It will decouple when we choose special values for Wilson coefficients, and we land back on the dynamics of conventional spinning binaries. The situation is very similar to a symmetry breaking in the classical limit. We also construct a world-line Lagrangian and a classical effective Hamiltonian that completely match the physics mentioned above, which incorporates a dynamical mass dipole as the additional dynamical degree of freedom. The mass dipole has physical effects, and its significance is a question for phenomenology. On the other hand, the dipole can be removed by an emergent world-line shift symmetry when Wilson coefficients take special values. From this perspective, our formalism can simplify the calculation for conventional spinning binaries, as the SSC constraint can be effectively relaxed.


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2nd October, 2024 - 02:10:00 Marina David (Leuven)

Near-Extremal Black Holes in Higher Derivative Theories of Gravity

Séminaire Amplitudes et Gravitation sur l'Yvette (IHES/IPhT)

In this talk, I will show how one can study gravitational perturbations from the near-horizon region of extremal and near-extremal rotating black holes in a general higher-derivative extension of Einstein gravity. I will explain how the near-horizon Teukolsky equation is modified via a correction to the angular separation constant. The near-horizon region also provides constraints on the form of the full modified Teukolsky radial equation, which serve as a stepping stone towards the study of quasinormal modes of near-extremal black holes. In the second part of the talk, I will show how this EFT can be constrained, motivated by preserving two fundamental properties of GR: gravitational waves are non-birefringent, and black hole quasinormal modes are isospectral. This leads to a novel class of EFT extensions, which remarkably, coincides with predictions from string theory and implies a previously unknown feature of string theory effective actions.


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20th June, 2024 - 10:06:00 Anton Kapustin (Caltech & IHES)

Anomalies on a Lattice

I will discuss two lattice avatars of ’t Hooft anomalies. The first one involves an action of a symmetry group on observables of a 1d spin system. It is related to a generalization of the Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem. The second one concerns symmetries of gapped states of spin systems. I will argue that the Hall conductance and other topological invariants of symmetric gapped states can be interpreted as obstructions to localizing the symmetry even approximately. 


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4th June, 2024 - 02:06:00 A. Liam Fitzpatrick (Boston University & IHES)

Holography and Regge Phases with U(1) Charge

We use holography to study the large spin J limit of the spectrum of low energy states with charge Q under a U(1) conserved current in CFTs in d>2 dimensions, with a focus on d=3 and d=4. For Q=2, the spectrum of such states is known to be universal and properly captured by the long-distance limit of holographic theories, regardless of whether the CFT itself is holographic. We study in detail the holographic description of such states at Q>2, by considering the contribution to the energies of Q scalar particles coming from single photon and graviton exchange in the bulk of AdS; in some cases, scalar exchange and bulk contact terms are also included. For a range of finite values of Q and J, we numerically diagonalize the Hamiltonian for such states and examine the resulting spectrum and wavefunctions as a function of the dimension Δ of the charge-one operator and the central charges cT, cJ of the stress tensor and U(1) current, finding multiple regions in parameter space with qualitatively different behavior. We discuss the extension of these results to the regime of parametrically large charge Q, as well as to what extent such results are expected to hold universally, beyond the limit of holographic CFTs. We compare our holographic computations to results from the conformal bootstrap for the 3d O(2) model at Q=3 and Q=4 and find excellent agreement.


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10th May, 2024 - 02:05:00 Adam Nahum (ENS)

Z2 Gauge Theory in Three Dimensions: Self-Dual Criticality and Emergent Symmetry

The simplest topologically ordered phase in 2+1D is the deconfined phase of Z2 lattice gauge theory. There are two reasonably well-understood ways to exit the deconfined phase: the Higgs transition, where electric charge (the "e" anyon) condenses, and the confinement transition, where magnetic charge (the "m" anyon) condenses. However, we can also exit the deconfined phase via the self-dual line in the phase diagram, where there is a symmetry between "e" and "m". What happens here is more mysterious. If this transition is continuous, it may be the simplest critical point with no useful continuum Lagrangian (as yet). After reviewing the formulation of the model as the statistical mechanics of membranes, I will describe clear Monte Carlo evidence for the continuity of the self-dual transition. I will sketch why it is not a conventional "Landau" critical point. Separately, I will use the membrane formulation to describe a very concrete and intuitive way of understanding the emergent higher-form symmetries which appear in part of the phase diagram (and which are the reason that the Higgs and confinement transitions can be understood using Landau theory, despite lacking local order parameters). Work with Andres Somoza and Pablo Serna (https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.15845 and https://arxiv.org/abs/2403.04025).


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17th April, 2024 - 03:04:00 Nima Afkhami-Jeddi (McGill University)

Exponentially Slow Thermalization and WGC in AdS/CFT

We show that holographic CFTs with a global U(1) symmetry that contain particles satisfying a form of the weak gravity conjecture, contain states that thermalize much slower than the typical thermalization time set by the black hole temperature. In the eikonal limit, these states correspond to metastable bulk configurations containing charged particles hovering outside the horizon of a Reissner–Nordström black hole in AdS. More generally, we study slow thermalization by computing the quasinormal modes of black holes due to charged scalar perturbations. We find that these states persist a finite distance away from the critical point in the EFT parameters, contrary to the 'critical slowing down' behavior expected near a phase transition.


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20th March, 2024 - 02:03:00 Joan Elias Miró (ICTP)

Hamiltonian Truncation Crafted for UV-divergent QFTs

We develop the theory of Hamiltonian Truncation (HT) to systematically study RG flows that require the renormalization of coupling constants. This is a necessary step towards making HT a fully general method for QFT calculations. We apply this theory to a number of QFTs defined as relevant deformations of d=1+1 CFTs. We investigated three examples of increasing complexity: the deformed Ising, Tricritical-Ising, and non-unitary minimal model M(3,7). The first two examples provide a crosscheck of our methodologies against well established characteristics of these theories. The M(3,7) CFT deformed by its Z2-even operators shows an intricate phase diagram that we clarify. At a boundary of this phase diagram we show that this theory flows, in the IR, to the M(3,5)CFT.


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13th March, 2024 - 02:03:00 Kausik Ghosh (École Normale Supérieure, Paris)

Revisiting Single Correlator Numerical Bootstrap Using Analytic Functionals

One of the celebrated outcomes of the modern conformal bootstrap is that most likely the 3D Ising model is an (extremal) conformal field theory (CFT) that saturates the bound in a certain optimization problem. However, numerically, we don't see the different families of operators predicted from the lightcone analysis of a single crossing equation. This raises questions about whether extremal CFTs have a sparser spectrum than predicted or if numerics in the derivative basis face challenges in capturing these additional operators. This motivates us to seek an alternative basis of functionals acting on a single correlator crossing equation. These functionals are constructed using a class of 1D functionals that are dual to generalized free-field solutions. We took the first modest step to implement these functionals to numerically bootstrap higher-dimensional CFTs, demonstrating their efficiency, especially in two dimensions, where they outperform the traditional approach. Additionally, we have identified a series of new kinks in our plot that have gone unnoticed so far. In three dimensions, we reproduced the known bound, and although it is efficient, we require better control over the evaluation of these functionals to progress further. Notably, the convergence of these bounds is also better for large external dimensions in this functional basis. In this talk, I will provide an overview of this framework and discuss the general outlook. 


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28th February, 2024 - 03:02:00 Gregorio Carullo (Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen & IHES)

Black Hole Spectroscopy: From a Mathematical Problem to an Observational Reality

Dark compact objects are nowadays routinely observed through multiple experimental schemes. Measurements of their vibrational spectra offer unprecedented opportunities to investigate the highly dynamical regime of General Relativity, search for signs of new physics, and increase the evidence for their "black hole nature". After an introduction to the topic, I will review recent achievements of this scientific program enabled by gravitational-wave observations, and current efforts to extend it through the inclusion of nonlinear effects and generic orbital configurations of binary mergers. Prospects for high-precision measurements through next-generation interferometric detectors will also be briefly discussed.

[1] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OcfmyL0KBUAZrXfi9N7dhiOaALbyEgxj/view?usp=sharing


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14th February, 2024 - 04:02:00 Yin-Chen He (Perimeter Institute & IHES)

Physics Meets Geometry: a Fuzzy Sphere Odyssey in Critical Phenomena

Historically, the synergy between physics and geometry, from the times of Archimedes and Newton to the era of Einstein, has repeatedly been the catalyst for pivotal breakthroughs in physics and mathematics. In this talk, I will introduce a new narrative demonstrating how physics and geometry intertwine, leading to unexpected and significant results in critical phenomena in physics. Specifically, I will elucidate how non-commutative geometry—a mathematical framework born from the insights of physicists—offers fresh perspectives on conformal field theory, a subject with profound applications across various physics domains, from condensed matter to quantum gravity, and string theory. 


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7th December, 2023 - 02:12:00 Matthew Yu (Oxford University & IHES)

U-duality Anomaly Cancelation

Theories of quantum gravity are believed to have no global symmetries. We will check this conjecture for the U-duality symmetry in 4d N=8 supergravity. Since this theory arises from string theory, the 't Hooft anomaly for this symmetry ought to vanish. We then perform a bordism computation to classify the anomaly of U-duality and notice an interesting fact about the particular Thom spectrum that we use for the computation. Finally we show that evaluating the anomaly for our particular theory on the generating manifold of the bordism group leads to it vanishing. 


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5th December, 2023 - 02:12:00 Anatoly Konechny (Heriot-Watt University & IHES)

Conformal Boundary Conditions, Cardy's Variational Ansatz and Phase Structure of 2D QFTs

We will consider perturbations of 2D CFTs by multiple relevant operators. The massive phases of such perturbations can be labeled by conformal boundary conditions. Cardy's variational ansatz approximates the vacuum state of the perturbed theory by a smeared conformal boundary state. In this talk we will discuss the limitations and propose generalisations of this ansatz using both analytic and numerical insights based on TCSA. In particular we analyse the stability of Cardy's ansatz states with respect to boundary relevant perturbations using  bulk-boundary OPE coefficients. We show that certain transitions  between the massive phases arise from a pair of boundary RG flows.  The RG flows start from the conformal boundary on the transition surface and end on those that lie on the two sides of it. As an example we work out the details of the phase diagram for the Ising field theory and for the tricritical Ising model  perturbed by the leading thermal and magnetic fields. Based on arXiv:2306.13719.


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16th November, 2023 - 02:11:00 Junchen Rong (IHES)

From O(3) to Cubic CFT: Conformal Perturbation and the Large Charge Sector

The Cubic CFT can be understood as the O(3) invariant CFT perturbed by a slightly relevant operator. In this paper, we use conformal perturbation theory together with the conformal data of the O(3) vector model to compute the anomalous dimension of scalar bilinear operators of the Cubic CFT. When the Z2 symmetry that flips the signs of φi is gauged, the Cubic model describes a certain phase transition of a quantum dimer model. The scalar bilinear operators are the order parameters of this phase transition. Based on the conformal data of the O(3) CFT, we determine the correction to the critical exponent as η_Cubic-η_O(3)≈ -0.0215(49). The O(3) data is obtained using the numerical conformal bootstrap method to study all four-point correlators involving the four operators: v=φ_i, s=∑_i φ_iφ_i and the leading scalar operators with O(3) isospin j=2 and 4. According to large charge effective theory, the leading operator with charge Q has scaling dimension Δ_Q=c_3/2 * Q^3/2+c_1/2 * Q1^/2. We find a good match with this prediction up to isospin j=6 for spin 0 and 2 and measured the coefficients c_3/2 and c_1/2. 


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14th November, 2023 - 02:11:00 Martin Hasenbusch (Universität Heidelberg & IHES)

Precise Monte Carlo Estimates of Universal Quantities: Improved Lattice Models and Finite Size Scaling

I discuss improved lattice models in three dimensions. Improved means that either one or two parameters of the model are tuned such that the leading or the leading and the next to leading correction to scaling have, at least approximately, a vanishing amplitude. This is achieved by using a finite size scaling analysis of dimensionless quantities. Based on these results, accurate estimates of universal quantities such as critical exponents are obtained. I summarize results that have been obtained for the Ising, the XY, the Heisenberg and the cubic universality classes and compare them with those obtained by other methods, in particular precise estimates obtained recently by using the conformal bootstrap method.


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23rd October, 2023 - 02:10:00 John Cardy (All Souls College & IHES)

Bulk Renormalization Group Flows and Boundary States in Conformal Field Theories

We propose using smeared boundary states as variational approximations to the ground state of a conformal field theory deformed by relevant bulk operators. This is motivated by recent studies of quantum quenches in CFTs and of the entanglement spectrum in massive theories. It gives a simple criterion for choosing which boundary state should correspond to which combination of bulk operators, and leads to a rudimentary phase diagram of the theory in the vicinity of the RG fixed point corresponding to the CFT, as well as rigorous upper bounds on the universal amplitude of the free energy. In the case of the 2d minimal models explicit formulae are available. As a side result we show that the matrix elements of bulk operators between smeared Ishibashi states are simply given by the fusion rules of the CFT.


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9th October, 2023 - 02:10:00 Balt van Rees (École polytechnique)

Perturbative RG Flows in AdS

We discuss general properties of perturbative RG flows in AdS with a focus on the treatment of boundary conditions and infrared divergences. In contrast with flat-space boundary QFT, general covariance in AdS implies the absence of independent boundary flows. We illustrate how boundary correlation functions remain conformally covariant even if the bulk QFT has a scale. We apply our general discussion to the RG flow between consecutive unitary diagonal minimal models which is triggered by the φ(1,3) operator. For these theories we conjecture a flow diagram whose form is significantly simpler than that in flat-space boundary QFT.


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3rd October, 2023 - 02:10:00 Thomas Scaffidi (University of California Irvine)

Complex CFT in the O(n) Loop Model: Numerical Evidence for Loss of Conformality in the Large-n Limit

The presence of nearby complex conformal field theories (CCFTs) hidden in the complex plane of the tuning parameter was recently proposed as an elegant explanation for the ubiquity of "weakly first-order" transitions in condensed matter and high-energy systems. Recently, we have numerically confirmed the presence of such a CCFT in a loop model which derives from a high-temperature formulation of the O(n) model. Surprisingly, we found that the CCFT only survives until n=12.34, beyond which the transfer matrix acquires a gap. In this talk, I will discuss ongoing work in trying to explain this loss of complex conformality at large n, using a mapping to a hard hexagon model for n going to infinity. I will also discuss the connection between the original O(n) model and its loop version and the consequences for CCFTs in these models.


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20th June, 2023 - 02:06:00 Yuto Moriwaki (RIKEN & IHES)

Bootstrap Hypothesis – From Algebraic Point of View


In this talk we will revisit the bootstrap hypothesis in the two-dimensional case from a mathematical perspective. The bootstrap equations is a consistency for the CFT four-point correlation functions. Therefore, the following question is not mathematically clear: (Math Question) If the four-point correlation functions satisfy the bootstrap equations, can we define a multi-point correlation functions? (Is it convergent and consistent?) After introducing the notion of a full vertex algebra, which is equivalent to the fact that the four-point correlation functions satisfy the bootstrap equations, we will explain that all n-point correlation functions converge and are consistent when the full vertex algebra satisfies certain finiteness. An crucial step in the proof is to show that the operad of configuration spaces acts on representations of the full vertex algebra (under the finiteness assumption). We will explain this idea in detail.


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13th June, 2023 - 02:06:00 Clément Delcamp (Univ. Gent & IHES)

Higher Categorical Symmetries on the Lattice

Higher categorical symmetries have received widespread attention in recent years, generalising in various ways the usual notion of symmetry. Though exotic, such generalised symmetries have been shown to naturally arise as dual symmetries upon gauging ordinary symmetries. Specialising to certain finite group generalisations of the (2+1)d transverse-field Ising model, I will explain what it means for a quantum lattice model to have such a symmetry structure. 


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1st June, 2023 - 02:06:00 Justin Kulp (Perimeter Institute, Waterloo & IHES)

Self-Similar Quasicrystals and Hyperbolic Honeycombs

Most people are familiar with periodic tessellations and lattices; from the patio floor at the reception building to their favourite spin systems. In this talk, I will discuss two less familiar families of tessellations and their possible connections to high energy physics, condensed matter physics, and mathematics: hyperbolic tessellations and quasicrystals. After introducing the basics of regular hyperbolic lattices, I will survey constructions and surprising properties of quasicrystals (like the Penrose tiling), including their classically forbidden symmetries, long-range order, and self-similar structure. Inspired by the AdS/CFT correspondence, I will describe a mathematical relationship between hyperbolic lattices in (D+1)-dimensions and quasicrystals in D-dimensions, as well as the resolution of a conjecture by Bill Thurston. Based on work to appear with Latham Boyle.


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9th May, 2023 - 02:05:00 Nick Jones (University of Oxford & IHES)

Bulk boundary correspondence in long-range quantum chains



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18th April, 2023 - 02:04:00 Thomas Fischbacher (Google Research, Zurich & IHES)

A Quick Introduction to Machine Learning



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23rd February, 2023 - 02:02:00 Federico Piazza (Marseille, CPT & IHES)

Properties of Average Distances and Emergent Causality

In the presence of a (quantum or classical) statistical ensemble of metrics one can consider averages of distances between points/events, as long as a prescription is assigned for identifying such points. 
These average distances, in general, are not geodesic distances of any metric because they are not additive, in a sense that I will specify. Deviations from additivity can be measured by a quantity that, in any coordinate expansion, starts only at forth order. In Euclidean signature average distances are always subadditive. In Lorentzian signature it proves convenient to identify the events by anchoring them to a set of free falling observers. This prescription, by no means unique, naturally conveys the point of view of these observers, whose causal relations are inevitably affected by the fluctuations of the metric field. Average Lorentzian distances portray an interesting ``average causal structure” that has no classical analogue.


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15th December, 2022 - 02:12:00 Leonardo Rastelli (Stony Brook University)

Informal Update on Bootstrapping Large N QCD



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25th November, 2022 - 02:11:00 Julio Parra-Martinez (Caltech & IHES)

Soft Theorems: Symmetry and Geometry



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25th May, 2022 - 11:05:00 Anatoly Dymarski (University of Kentucky & IHES)

Optimal Narain Theories from Codes

Connection to codes has emerged recently as a new tool to construct and study Narain CFTs with special properties. In the talk I will review this connection and argue that optimal theories, i.e. those maximizing the value of spectral gap for the given central charge, are code CFTs - meaning they can be constructed using codes. This applies to known optimal theories with c<=8 as well as to asymptotically large c. I will also discuss spinoff results, in particular construction of fake torus partition function Z(\tau, \bar \tau), which satisfies all properties of the 2d CFT torus partition function (modular invariance, discreteness and positive-definiteness of spectrum), yet can be shown not to be a partition function of any 2d theory.


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15th April, 2022 - 11:04:00 Henri Epstein (IHES)

Archeological remarks on analyticity properties in momentum space in QFT, Part II : details on the 4-point function

I will describe the proof of the crossing property for the 4-point function.


IHES Covid-19 regulations:

- all the participants who will attend the event in person will have to keep their mask on indoor
and where the social distancing is not possible;
- speakers will be free to wear their mask or not at the moment of their talk if they feel more comfortable without it;
- Up to 70 persons in the conference room


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8th March, 2022 - 02:03:00 Massimiliano Maria Riva et Filippo Vernizzi (Institut de physique théorique, Université Paris-Saclay, CEA, CNRS)

Worldline Approach to Gravitational Bremsstrahlung

The need to improve the analytical knowledge of the gravitational waveforms emitted by binary systems has recently sparked a fervent activity in the application of  (classical and/or quantum) post-Minkowskian perturbation methods (expansion in G) to the  two-body relativistic gravitational dynamics and radiation. We shall discuss how the use of a classical Effective-Field-Theory worldline approach to gravitational scattering, combined with modern Quantum-Field-Theory integration techniques, allows one to compute both the gravitational-wave amplitude and the associated radiated four-momentum.


IHES Covid-19 regulations:

- all the participants who will attend the event in person will have to keep their mask on in indoor spaces
and where the social distancing is not possible;
- speakers will be free to wear their mask or not at the moment of their talk if they feel more comfortable
without it;
- Up to 25 persons in the conference room, every participant will be asked to be able to provide a health pass
- Over 25 persons in the conference room, every participant will be asked to provide a health pass which will
be checked at the entrance of the conference room.


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15th December, 2021 - 11:12:00 Henri Epstein (IHES)

Archeological Remarks on Analyticity Properties in Momentum Space in QFT

I will describe the foundations of the program of studying the analyticity properties of the n-point functions in momentum space : the primitive domain of analyticity and methods to enlarge it. If time permits, some of the results for the 4-point function will be described.


IHES Covid-19 regulations:

- all the participants who will attend the event in person will have to keep their mask on in indoor spaces
and where the social distancing is not possible;
- speakers will be free to wear their mask or not at the moment of their talk if they feel more comfortable
without it;
- Up to 70 persons in the conference room, every participant will be asked to be able to provide a health pass
- Over 70 persons in the conference room, every participant will be asked to provide a health pass which will
be checked at the entrance of the conference room.


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6th December, 2021 - 10:12:00 Sylvain Ribault (CEA Saclay)

Global Symmetry and Conformal Bootstrap in the Two-Dimensional O(n) Model

The torus partition function of the critical O(n) model, which is known since 1987, does not fully characterize the space of states. For complex n, I will conjecture a determination of that space in terms of irreducible O(n) representations and indecomposable Virasoro representations. I will then describe the interplay between O(n) symmetry and crossing symmetry in four-point correlation functions, and explain how the solutions of crossing symmetry can be counted numerically. This leads to the determination of some of the model's fusion rules.

This talk is based on the preprint https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.01106 with Linnea Grans-Samuelsson, Rongvoram Nivesvivat, Jesper Lykke Jacobsen, and Hubert Saleur.


IHES Covid-19 regulations:

- all the participants who will attend the event in person will have to keep their mask on in indoor spaces
and where the social distancing is not possible;
- speakers will be free to wear their mask or not at the moment of their talk if they feel more comfortable
without it;
- Up to 25 persons in the conference room, every participant will be asked to be able to provide a health pass
- Over 25 persons in the conference room, every participant will be asked to provide a health pass which will
be checked at the entrance of the conference room.


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15th November, 2021 - 10:11:00 Andrei Smilga (Université de Nantes)

Spin(7) and Generalized SO(8) Instantons in Eight Dimensions


IHES Covid-19 regulations:

- all the participants who will attend the event in person will have to keep their mask on in indoor spaces
and where the social distancing is not possible;
- speakers will be free to wear their mask or not at the moment of their talk if they feel more comfortable
without it;
- Up to 25 persons in the conference room, every participant will be asked to be able to provide a health pass
- Over 25 persons in the conference room, every participant will be asked to provide a health pass which will
be checked at the entrance of the conference room.


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27th October, 2021 - 10:10:00 Antoine Tilloy (Mines Paris-Tech)

Variational Method in 1+1 Dimensional Relativistic Field Theory

The variational method is a powerful approach to solve many-body quantum problems non perturbatively. However, in the context of relativistic quantum field theory (QFT), it needs to meet 3 seemingly incompatible requirements outlined by Feynman: extensivity, computability, and lack of UV sensitivity. In practice, variational methods usually break one of the 3, which translates into the need to have an IR or UV cutoff. I will explain how a relativistic modification of continuous matrix product states allows us to satisfy the 3 requirements jointly in 1+1 dimensions. Optimizing over this class of states, one can solve scalar QFT without UV cutoff and directly in the thermodynamic limit, and numerics are promising. I will try to cover both the general philosophy of the method, the basics of the computations, and mention the many open problems.


IHES Covid-19 regulations:

- all the participants who will attend the event in person will have to keep their mask on in indoor spaces
and where the social distancing is not possible;
- speakers will be free to wear their mask or not at the moment of their talk if they feel more comfortable
without it;
- Up to 25 persons in the conference room, every participant will be asked to be able to provide a health pass
- Over 25 persons in the conference room, every participant will be asked to provide a health pass which will
be checked at the entrance of the conference room.


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18th October, 2021 - 02:10:00 Ritam Sinha (Hebrew Univ. Jerusalem)

The Bi-conical Vector Model at 1/N

We study finite N aspects of the O(m) × O(N-m) vector model with quartic interactions in general 2 ≤ d ≤ 6 spacetime dimensions. This model has recently been shown to display the phenomenon of persistent symmetry breaking at a perturbative Wilson-Fisher-like fixed point in d=4-ε dimensions. The large rank limit of the bi-conical model displays a conformal manifold and a moduli space of vacua. We find a set of three double trace scalar operators that are respectively irrelevant, relevant and marginal deformations of the conformal manifold in general d. We calculate the anomalous dimensions of the single and multi-trace scalar operators to the first sub-leading order in the large rank expansion. The anomalous dimension of the marginal operator does not vanish in general, indicating that the conformal manifold is lifted at finite N. In the case of equal ranks we are able to derive explicitly the scaling dimensions of various operators as functions of only d.


IHES Covid-19 regulations:

- all the participants who will attend the event in person will have to keep their mask on in indoor spaces
and where the social distancing is not possible;
- speakers will be free to wear their mask or not at the moment of their talk if they feel more comfortable
without it;
- Up to 25 persons in the conference room, every participant will be asked to be able to provide a health pass
- Over 25 persons in the conference room, every participant will be asked to provide a health pass which will
be checked at the entrance of the conference room.


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28th January, 2020 - 04:01:00 Emil Akhmedov (ITEP Moscou)

Ultraviolet Phenomena in AdS Self-interacting Quantum Field Theory

We study the one-loop corrections to correlation functions in quantum field theories in the Anti de Sitter space-time. Our calculation shows the existence of non-local counterterms which however respect the AdS isometry. Our arguments are general and applicable to general non-conformal AdS field theories. We also explain why calculations in Euclidean and Lorentzian signatures should differ even at the leading order in non globaly hyperbolic manifolds.

20th January, 2020 - 02:01:00 Alexander M. Polyakov (Princeton University & IHES)

Turbulence and Quantum Field Theory

26th November, 2019 - 02:11:00 Yifei He (CEA Saclay)

Geometrical Four-Point Functions of 2d Critical Q-State Potts Model

In this talk I will describe the geometrical four-point functions (cluster connectivities) of 2d critical Q-state Potts model and its relation to minimal models four-point functions. By studying on the RSOS lattice of the ADE type, we provide a geometrical formulation of minimal models four-point functions of operators related to the Potts model and they involve the same types of cluster/loop expansions as that of the Potts model albeit with different weights. I will discuss how our results can be used to extract useful information about the Potts model from minimal models.

26th September, 2019 - 02:09:00 Dmitri Bykov (MPI für Physik, München & Steklov Math. Inst., Moscow & IHES)

Flag Manifold Sigma-Models

The talk is dedicated to flag manifold sigma-models, which are theories of generalized harmonic maps from a Riemann surface to a manifold of flags in $C^N$. These theories feature interesting geometric properties and are in certain cases examples of the so-called ‘integrable’ models. I will review some of these facts.

16th September, 2019 - 02:09:00 Jens Hoppe (IHES)

U(1)-invariant minimal 3-manifolds

10th July, 2019 - 11:07:00 Guillaume Bossard (Centre de Physique Théorique, CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, IP Paris)

On Supersymmetric E11 Exceptional Field Theory

We shall review how supergravity theories can emerge from an exceptional field theory based on the Kac-Moody group E11 (i.e. E8+++) with gauge symmetry a set of `generalised diffeomorphisms' acting on the fundamental module while preserving E11. The construction relies on a super-algebra T  that extends E11 and provides a differential complex for the exceptional fields. A twisted self-duality equation underlying the dynamics can be shown to be invariant under generalised diffeomorphisms provided a certain algebraic identity holds for structure coefficients of the super-algebra T. The fermions of the theory belong to an unfaithful representation of the double cover of a maximal Lorentzian subgroup K(E11). We conjecture that certain tensor products of unfaithful representations are homomorphic to the quotient of specific indecomposable modules of E11. Using these conjectures, we can write a linearised Rarita-Schwinger equation and show that the E11 twisted self-duality equations are supercovariant. The conjectures are checked through computations in level decompositions with respect to maximal parabolic subgroups.

9th July, 2019 - 02:07:00 Eliezer Rabinovici (Hebrew University of Jerusalem & IHES)

On the Time Dependence of Complexities

The emergence of very long time scales on the gravity side of the AdS/CFT correspondence has led to the introduction of the notion of complexity in the research of quantum gravity. Various notions of complexity have been studied in the area of Quantum Information as well as in Quantum Field Theory. I will discuss, in this context, complexities and the time scales of their evolution following in the various definitions. The physics involved will be stressed where it is understood.

22nd May, 2019 - 03:05:00 Anatoly Dymarsky (University of Kentucky & IHES)

Quantum KdV Hierarchy in 2nd CFTs

Infinite-dimensional conformal symmetry in two dimensions renders conformal field theories integrable with an infinite hierarchy of quantum KdV charges being in involution. These charges govern the structure of Virasoro descendant states and provide correct formulation for the Eigenstate Thermalization in 2d theories. After covering recent results on Eigenstate Thermalization, I will talk about an ongoing progress of calculating the spectrum of quantum KdV charges and generalized partition function of two dimensional theories in the limit of large central charge. The talk is based on https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.03559 as well as https://arxiv.org/abs/1812.05108 and https://arxiv.org/abs/1810.11025

13th May, 2019 - 02:05:00 Pierpaolo Mastrolia (Universita degli Studi di Padova)

Feynman Integrals and Intersection Theory

I will show that Intersection Theory (for twisted de Rham cohomology) rules the algebra of Feynman integrals. In particular I will address the problem of the direct decomposition of Feynman integrals into a basis of master integrals, showing that it can by achieved by projection, using intersection numbers for differential forms. After introducing a few basic concepts of intersection theory, I will show the application of this novel method, first, to special mathematical functions, and, later, to Feynman integrals on the maximal cuts, also explaining how differential equations and dimensional recurrence relations for master Feynman integrals can be directly built by means of intersection numbers. The presented method exposes the geometric structure beneath Feynman integrals, and offers the computational advantage of bypassing the system-solving strategy characterizing the standard reduction algorithms, which are based on integration-by-parts identities. Examples of applications to multi-loop graphs contributing to multiparticle scattering, involving both massless and massive particles are presented.

26th April, 2019 - 02:04:00 Apratim Kaviraj & Emilio Trevisani (ENS, Paris & IHES)

Supersymmetry and Dimensional Reduction in Random Field Models

In this talk we will discuss an ongoing work on random field models. First we will review a work by Parisi and Sourlas. They conjectured that the infrared fixed point of such random field models should be described by a supersymmetric conformal field theory (CFT). From this they argued that the disordered CFT admits a description in terms of a CFT in two less spacetime dimensions but without the disorder. We will explain how the dimensional reduction is realized. Finally we will discuss when and how the RG flow of the random field theory reaches the SUSY fixed point.

25th April, 2019 - 02:04:00 Fidel Schaposnik Massolo (IHES)

On Phases of Melonic Quantum Mechanics

We explore in detail the properties of two melonic quantum mechanical theories which can be formulated either as fermionic matrix quantum mechanics in the new large D limit, or as disordered models. Both models have a mass parameter m and the transition from the perturbative large m region to the strongly coupled "black-hole" small m region is associated with several interesting phenomena. One model, with U(n)^2 symmetry and equivalent to complex SYK, has a line of first-order phase transitions terminating, for a strictly positive temperature, at a critical point having non-trivial, non-mean-field critical exponents for standard thermodynamical quantities. Quasi-normal frequencies, as well as Lyapunov exponents associated with out-of-time-ordered four-point functions, are also singular at the critical point, leading to interesting new critical exponents. The other model, with reduced U(n) symmetry, has a quantum critical point at strictly zero temperature and positive critical mass m*. For 0<m<m*, it flows to a new gapless IR fixed point, for which the standard scale invariance is spontaneously broken by the appearance of distinct scaling dimensions Δ+ and Δ- for the Euclidean two-point function when t→ +∞ and t→ -∞

24th April, 2019 - 02:04:00 Stefanos Kousvos (Université de Crète & IHES)

Three Dimensional Cubic Symmetric CFTs in the Bootstrap and their Applications

I will discuss results of recent numerical bootstrap work performed for systems with cubic symmetry. Under certain assumptions, we find an isolated region in parameter space, which given prior intuition with the numerical bootstrap, indicates the existence of a CFT in this region. We find critical exponents for the conjectured CFT which are in discrepancy with the epsilon expansion (but in good agreement with experiments for structural phase transitions). The disagreement of critical exponents for structural phase transitions calculated in the epsilon expansion with those measured in experiments is something that was noticed since the 70s. I will briefly discuss some resolutions proposed at the time.

23rd April, 2019 - 02:04:00 Pierre Toledano (Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens & IHES)

Introduction to Structural Phase Transitions

19th April, 2019 - 02:04:00 Miguel Paulos (Ecole Normale Supérieure)

A Functional Approach to the Numerical Conformal Bootstrap

We apply recently constructed functional bases to the numerical conformal bootstrap for 1D CFTs. We argue and show that numerical results in this basis converge much faster than the traditional derivative basis. In particular, truncations of the crossing equation with even a handful of components can lead to extremely accurate results, in opposition to hundreds of components in the usual approach. We explain how this is a consequence of the functional basis correctly capturing the asymptotics of bound-saturating extremal solutions to crossing. We discuss how these methods can and should be implemented in higher dimensional applications.

18th April, 2019 - 02:04:00 Mikhail Isachenkov (IHES)

Solving Large N Double-Scaled SYK

I will review a method to evaluate correlation functions of certain statistical systems via chord diagrams and apply it to compute correlators in the double-scaled version of SYK model, in particular in its large N limit. The results are exact at all energies and allow to extract corrections to the maximal Lyapunov exponent. Time permitting, I will comment on the suggested relation of this model to a Hamiltonian reduction of quantum particle moving on the non-compact quantum group SU_q(1,1).

17th April, 2019 - 02:04:00 Volker Schomerus (DESY Hamburg & IHES)

The Casimir Equation for 4D Superconformal Blocks

Applications of the bootstrap to superconformal field theories require the construction of superconformal blocks for four-point functions of arbitrary supermultiplets. Up until recently, only sporadic results had been obtained. In my talk I explain the key ingredients of a new systematic construction that apply to a large class of superconformal field theories, including 4-dimensional models with any number N of supersymmetries. It hinges on a universal construction of the relevant Casimir differential equations. In order to find these equations, we model superconformal blocks as functions on the supergroup and pick a distinguished set of coordinates. The latter are chosen so that the superconformal Casimir operator can be written as a perturbation of the Casimir operator for spinning bosonic blocks by a fermionic (nilpotent) term. Solutions to the associated eigenvalue problem can be obtained through a quantum mechanical perturbation theory that truncates at some finite order so that all results are exact.

20th March, 2019 - 02:03:00 Stefan Hollands (Univ. Leipzig)

Modular Flows in Quantum Field Theory

The reduced density matrix of a subsystem induces an intrinsic internal dynamics called the ``modular flow''. The flow depends on the subsystem and the given state of the total system. It has been subject to much attention in theoretical physics in recent times because it is closely related to information theoretic aspects of quantum field theory. In mathematics, the flow has played an important role in the study of operator algebras through the work of Connes and others.

It is known that the flow has a geometric nature (boosts resp. special conformal transformations) in case the subsystem is defined by a spacetime region with a simple shape. For more complicated regions, important progress was recently made by Casini et al. who were able to determine the flow for multi-component regions for free massless fermions or bosons in 1+1 dimensions.

In this introductory lecture, I describe the physical and mathematical backgrounds underlying this research area. Then I describe a new approach which is not limited to free theories, based in an essential way on two principles: The so-called ``KMS-condition'' and the exchange relations between primaries (braid relations) in rational CFTs in 1+1 dimensions. A combination of these ideas and methods from operator algebras establish that finding the modular flow of a multi-component region is equivalent to a certain matrix Riemann-Hilbert problem. One can therefore apply known methods for this classic problem to find or at least characterize the modular flow.


31st January, 2019 - 02:01:00 Sergiu Klainerman (Princeton University & IHES)

On the Nonlinear Stability of Black Holes



5th December, 2018 - 02:12:00 Pierre Cartier (IHES)

Some remarks on the energy-momentum tensor in general relativity

Following the method outlined b Emmy Noether in her famous 1918 paper, we propose a version of the momentum-energy tensor in general relativity which is geometric and suitably covariant, giving conservation laws .

This conssuction appears to be novel in a field well explored.

3rd December, 2018 - 11:12:00 Miguel Paulos (LPT ENS)

A more functional bootstrap

The conformal bootstrap aims to systematically constraint CFTs based on crossing symmetry and unitarity.

In this talk I will introduce a new approach to extract information from the crossing symmetry sum rules, based on the construction of linear functionals with certain positivity properties. I show these functionals allow us to derive optimal bounds on CFT data. Furthemore I will argue that special extremal solutions to crossing form a basis for the crossing equation, with the functionals living in the dual space. As an application we reconstruct physics of QFTs in AdS2 from the properties of 1d CFTs.

29th November, 2018 - 02:11:00 Georgios Papadopoulos (Kings College London & IHES)

Robinson Structures and the Double Copy

22nd November, 2018 - 02:11:00 Frank Verstraete (University of Ghent & IHES)

Tensor networks for describing correlated quantum systems

Quantum tensor networks provide a new language for describing many body systems. They model the entanglement structure of many body wavefunctions, and give a precise description of symmetries such as arising in systems exhibiting topological quantum order. In this talk, an overview will be given of the challenges, prospects and limitations of this approach.

20th November, 2018 - 02:11:00 Anatoly Dymarsky (University of Kentucky & IHES)

Timescale of ergodicity: when many-body quantum systems can be described by Random Matrix Theory?

In this talk I will argue that after certain timescale (which scales with the system size as L^{d+2}) dynamics of a local observable becomes universal and it can be described by a random matrix.


This talks is based on https://arxiv.org/abs/1804.08626 and other recent works.

8th November, 2018 - 02:11:00 Junya Yagi (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics & IHES)

Unification of integrability in supersymmetric gauge theories

The 8-vertex model and the XYZ spin chain have been found to emerge from gauge theories in various ways, such as 4d and 2d Nekrasov-Shatashvili correspondences, the action of surface operators on the supersymmetric indices of class-Sk theories, and correlators of line operators in 4d Chern-Simons theory. I will explain how string theory unifies these phenomena.


This is based on my work with Kevin Costello [arXiv:1810.01970].

9th May, 2018 - 11:05:00 Gordon Slade (University of British Columbia & IHES)

Critical exponents for long-range O(n) models

Séminaire de Probabilités et de Physique Théorique


We present results on the critical behaviour of long-range models of multi-component ferromagnetic spins and weakly self-avoiding walk in dimensions 1, 2, and 3. The range of the interaction is adjusted so that the models are below their upper critical dimension.  Critical exponents are computed for the susceptibility, specific heat, and critical two-point function, using a renormalisation group method to perturb around a non-Gaussian fixed point.  This provides a mathematically rigorous version of the epsilon expansion.

8th March, 2018 - 11:03:00 Sandipan Kundu (Johns Hopkins University & IHES)

Three Lectures on Causality in Conformal Field Theory (3/3)

Causality places nontrivial constraints on QFT in Lorentzian signature, for example fixing the signs of certain terms in the low energy Lagrangian. In these pedagogical lectures, I will explore causality constraints on conformal field theory. First, I will show how causality is encoded in crossing symmetry and reflection positivity of Euclidean correlators, and derive constraints on the interactions of low-lying operators directly from the conformal bootstrap. Then, I will explain the connection between these causality constraints and the averaged null energy condition. Finally, I will use causality to show that the averaged null energy is positive in interacting quantum field theory in flat spacetime. Based on arXiv:1509.00014arXiv:1601.07904arXiv:1610.05308.

7th March, 2018 - 11:03:00 Sandipan Kundu (Johns Hopkins University & IHES)

Three Lectures on Causality in Conformal Field Theory (2/3)

Causality places nontrivial constraints on QFT in Lorentzian signature, for example fixing the signs of certain terms in the low energy Lagrangian. In these pedagogical lectures, I will explore causality constraints on conformal field theory. First, I will show how causality is encoded in crossing symmetry and reflection positivity of Euclidean correlators, and derive constraints on the interactions of low-lying operators directly from the conformal bootstrap. Then, I will explain the connection between these causality constraints and the averaged null energy condition. Finally, I will use causality to show that the averaged null energy is positive in interacting quantum field theory in flat spacetime. Based on arXiv:1509.00014arXiv:1601.07904arXiv:1610.05308.

22nd February, 2018 - 11:02:00 Sandipan Kundu (Johns Hopkins University & IHES)

Three Lectures on Causality in Conformal Field Theory (1/3)

Causality places nontrivial constraints on QFT in Lorentzian signature, for example fixing the signs of certain terms in the low energy Lagrangian. In these pedagogical lectures, I will explore causality constraints on conformal field theory. First, I will show how causality is encoded in crossing symmetry and reflection positivity of Euclidean correlators, and derive constraints on the interactions of low-lying operators directly from the conformal bootstrap. Then, I will explain the connection between these causality constraints and the averaged null energy condition. Finally, I will use causality to show that the averaged null energy is positive in interacting quantum field theory in flat spacetime. Based on arXiv:1509.00014arXiv:1601.07904arXiv:1610.05308.

21st February, 2018 - 11:02:00 Marco Meineri (EPFL & IHES)

Universality at Large Transverse Spin in Defect CFT

We study the spectrum of local operators living on a defect in a generic conformal field theory, and their coupling to the local bulk operators.  We establish the existence of universal accumulation points in the spectrum at large s, s being the charge of the operators under rotations in the space transverse to the defect. Our tools include a formula that inverts the bulk to defect OPE and is analytic in s, analogous to the Caron-Huot formula for the four-point function. Some important assumptions are made in deriving this result: we comment on them.

30th January, 2018 - 02:01:00 Pavel Saponov (HSE & IHES)

Cayley-Hamilton Identity and Drinfeld-Sokolov Reduction in Quantum Algebras

Different forms of the matrix Cayley-Hamilton identity in some quantum algebras will be presented. In particular, I plan consider the so-called braided Yangian -- some generalization of Drinfeld Yangian -- recently introduced in my joint work with D.Gurevich. A quantum counterpart of the Drinfeld-Sokolov reduction based on the Cayley-Hamilton identity will be discussed as well.

21st December, 2017 - 02:12:00 Mikhail Isachenkov (Weizmann Institute of Science & IHES)

Conformal Blocks and Integrability

I will discuss a relation between conformal blocks, describing kinematics of a CFT, and integrable models of quantum-mechanical particles. I will show how the dependence of blocks on cross-ratios is encoded in equations of motion of a Calogero-Sutherland model and their dependence on conformal dimension and spin of the exchanged operator - in those of a relativistic Calogero-Sutherland model. Both are simultaneously controlled by an integrable connection generalizing 2d Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations. I will review how this connection, associated to representations of degenerate double affine Hecke algebra, comes from a q-deformed bispectrally symmetric setting.

19th December, 2017 - 02:12:00 Emil Akhmedov (ITEP)

Surprises of quantization in de Sitter space

I will talk about loop infrared effects in de Sitter QFT. Namely about their types, physical meaning and origin and also about their resumation and physical consequences. The talk is based on arXiv:1701.07226.

5th December, 2017 - 02:12:00 Fidel I. Schaposnik Massolo (Seoul National University & IHES)

Phase Diagram of Planar Matrix Quantum Mechanics, Tensor and SYK Models (arXiv: 1707.03431)

In this talk I present the phase diagram of a U(N)^2 x O(D) invariant fermionic planar matrix quantum mechanics (equivalently tensor or complex SYK models) in the new large D limit dominated by melonic graphs. The Schwinger-Dyson equations can have two solutions describing either a "large" black hole phase a la SYK or a "small" black hole with trivial IR behavior. In the strongly coupled region of the mass-temperature plane, there is a line of first order phase transitions between the small and large black hole phases. This line terminates at a new critical point which can be studied numerically in detail. The critical exponents are non-mean-field and different on the two sides of the transition. If time allows, I will compare this to purely bosonic unstable and stable melonic models.

6th October, 2017 - 02:10:00 Bruno Le Floch (Princeton)

Surface defects and instanton-vortex moduli spaces

Instantons on R4, namely anti-self-dual Yang-Mills connections, are in bijection with framed locally free sheaves on CP2. Ramified instantons have an imposed singularity along R2 in R4 that translates to a parabolic structure along a CP1 divisor, or equivalently to a cyclic orbifold.  Such a singularity (Gukov-Witten defect) can be obtained in 4d N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory by adding 2d N=(2,2) degrees of freedom on R2, and gauging a global symmetry of the 2d theory using the R2 restriction of the 4d gauge connection.  The moduli space of ramified instantons should thus be related to a moduli space of instanton-vortex configurations of the 4d-2d pair of gauge theories.  I propose an incomplete definition of the latter moduli space by fibering (over the instanton moduli space) a recent description of the vortex moduli space as based maps to the Higgs branch stack.  As evidence I compare Nekrasov partition functions, namely equivariant integrals over these moduli spaces.  The equality relies on Jeffrey-Kirwan technology, applicable thanks to the ADHM construction of the moduli spaces as Kähler quotients.

26th September, 2017 - 02:09:00 Carlangelo Liverani (Universita' di Roma Tor Vergata & IHES)

The Lorentz Gas : New Results and Open Problems

I will make a quick review of old and new results concerning the Lorentz gas; discuss new directions in which I’d like to proceed (e.g. non periodic obstacles, interacting particles, …) and some (very) partial results toward such directions.

28th June, 2017 - 02:06:00 Ali CHAMSEDDINE (American University of Beirut & IHES)

Resolving Space-Time Singularities in Mimetic Gravity

21st June, 2017 - 02:06:00 Ali CHAMSEDDINE (American University of Beirut & IHES)

Beyond the Standard Model in Noncommutative Geometry and Mimetic Dark Matter

16th June, 2017 - 11:06:00 Raymond GOLDSTEIN (University of Cambridge & IHES)

Dynamic Interconversions of Minimal Surfaces

A classical problem in mathematics is the determination of the minimal surface that spans a given contour, which can be realized in the laboratory as a soap film supported by a wire frame. In the early 1940s Richard Courant pointed out nontrivial situations in which a small deformation of certain frames can render unstable the supported surface, leading by a rapid dynamical process to a new minimal surface. For example, a soap film Möbius strip can transition to a disc. Despite the enormous body of work on the mathematics of minimal surfaces themselves, the understanding of these dynamical problems is at a very early stage. In this talk I will summarize our recent experimental and theoretical work on problems of this type, in which a combination of high-speed imaging and stability theory has revealed new insights. (Work done in collaboration with A.I. Pesci, H.K. Moffatt, T. Machon and G.P. Alexander)

18th April, 2017 - 02:04:00 Nikita SOPENKO (ITEP & IHES)

Surface defects and instanton-vortex interaction

I’ll present a general prescription for the 4d-2d partition function of half-BPS surface defects in d = 4, N = 2 gauge theories in Omega-background which is applicable for any surface defect obtained by gauging a 2d flavour symmetry using a 4d gauge group and reproduces known results obtained via the Higgsing procedure and Kanno-Tachikawa orbifold calculation for Gukov-Witten defects. The role of “negative vortices” which appear in the background of instantons will be emphasized.

15th March, 2017 - 02:03:00 Brian WILLIAMS (Northwestern University & IHES)

Higher chiral differential operators

The sheaf of chiral differential operators is a sheaf of vertex algebras defined by Gorbounov, Malikov, and Schechtman in the early nineties that exists on any manifold with vanishing second component of its Chern character. Later on it was proposed by Witten to be related to the chiral operators of the (0,2)-supersymmetric sigma-model. Recently, we have proved this using an approach to QFT developed by Costello: the BV-quantization of the holomorphic twist of the (0,2) theory is isomorphic to the sheaf of chiral differential operators. Along with Gorbounov and Gwilliam, we prove this using the language of holomorphic factorization algebras in one complex dimension. In this talk I will sketch the proof of this result while also motivating a family of BV theories that produce sheaves of higher dimensional holomorphic factorization algebras that deserve to be called “higher” CDOs. We discuss the meaning of the OPE for these theories as encoded by the higher dimensional factorization structure.

1st March, 2017 - 02:03:00 Philsang YOO (Northwestern University & IHES)

Physics of Langlands Dualities

In the first part of the talk, I will discuss a joint project with Chris Elliott on realizing the geometric Langlands correspondence as an instance of S-duality by careful analysis of Kapustin and Witten's work using derived algebraic geometry. In the second part of the talk, I will report on work in progress to produce new instances of Langlands duality in geometric representation theory through the lens of quantum field theory.

22nd February, 2017 - 02:02:00 Yegor ZENKEVICH (ITEP and INR RAS & IHES)

Ding-Iohara-Miki algebra and gauge theories

We study the role of the Ding-Iohara-Miki (DIM) algebra, which is the simplest example of quantum toroidal algebra, in gauge theories, matrix models, q-deformed CFT and refined topological strings. We use DIM algebra to write down the Ward identities for the matrix models and show how it is connected to quiver W-algebras of the A-series. We describe the integrable structure of refined topological strings arising from DIM algebra: the R-matrix, T-operators and RTT relations. Finally, we write down the q-KZ equation for the DIM algebra intertwiners and interpret its solutions as refined topological string amplitudes.

20th February, 2017 - 02:02:00 Pavel SAFRONOV (Université de Genève & IHES)

A q-deformation of the geometric Langlands correspondence

The geometric Langlands correspondence was introduced by Beilinson and Drinfeld as a tool to solve quantum Hitchin systems such as the Gaudin model. The correspondence can be understood following Kapustin and Witten as arising from S-duality in a topologically twisted 4-dimensional super Yang-Mills theory. In this talk I will describe a multiplicative deformation of the Hitchin system and explain a conjectural statement of the corresponding q-deformed correspondence. I will also give some motivations for the statement from the theory of higher deformation quantization and a deformed setup of Kapustin and Witten.

10th February, 2017 - 11:02:00 Jürg FRÖHLICH (ETH Zurich, Suisse & IHES)

The Classical XY Model – Vortex- and Random Walk Representations

A review of results concerning the classical XY model in various dimensions is presented.


I start by showing that the XY model does not exhibit any phase transitions in a non-vanishing external magnetic field, and that connected spin-correlations have exponential decay. These results can be derived from the Lee-Yang theorem.


Subsequently, I study the XY model in zero magnetic field: The McBryan-Spencer upper bound on spin-spin correlations in two dimensions is derived. The XY model is then reformulated as a gas of vortices of integer vorticity (Kramers-Wannier duality). This representation is used to explain some essential ideas underlying the proof of existence of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in the two-dimensional XY model. Remarks on the existence of phase transitions accompanied by continuous symmetry breaking and the appearance of Goldstone modes in dimension three or higher come next.


Finally, I sketch the random-walk representation of the XY model and explain some consequences thereof – such as convergence to a Gaussian fixed point in the scaling limit, provided the dimension is > 4; and the behaviour of the inverse correlation length as a function of the external magnetic field.


17th January, 2017 - 02:01:00 Pavel SAPONOV (Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, Russia & Higher School of Economics, Faculty of Mathematics, Moscow, Russia)

Braided Yangians

: In my talk I consider a q-deformation of the so-called Yangian Y(gl(m)). The standard Yangian Y(gl(m)) (associated with the Yang R-matrix) was introduced by V.Drinfeld and is rather well known. It possesses a lot of interesting properties and has applications in integrable models of mathematical physics (for example, in the non-linear Schroedinger model), W-algebras and so on. Its q-analog, called the q-Yangian, is usually defined as a "half" of a quantum affine group. D. Gurevich and me suggest a new construction for such a q-analog of the Yangian Y(gl(m)). We call it "braided Yangian". We associate the braided Yangians with rational and trigonometric quantum R-matrices, depending on a formal parameter. These R-matrices arise from constant involutive or Hecke R-matrices by means of the Baxterization procedure. Our braided Yangians admit the evaluation morphism onto quantum matrix algebras and due to this one can construct a rich representation theory for them. In my talk I also plan to define analogs of symmetric polynomials (full, elementary and powers sums) which form a commutative subalgebra in the braided Yangian and exibit some noncommutative matrix identities similar to the Newton-Cayley-Hamilton identities of the classical matrix anlysis.

28th November, 2016 - 02:11:00 Vyacheslav RYCHKOV (CERN & IHES)

State of the art of conformal bootstrap (2/2)



Conformal bootstrap is a mathematically well-defined framework for performing non-perturbative computations in strongly coupled conformal field theories, including theories of real physical interest like the critical point of the 3d Ising model.  In these lectures I will describe the recent advances in this field and the challenges it faces.

21st November, 2016 - 02:11:00 Vyacheslav RYCHKOV (CERN & IHES)

State of the art of conformal bootstrap (1/2)



Conformal bootstrap is a mathematically well-defined framework for performing non-perturbative computations in strongly coupled conformal field theories, including theories of real physical interest like the critical point of the 3d Ising model.  In these lectures I will describe the recent advances in this field and the challenges it faces.

15th November, 2016 - 02:11:00 Bethan CROPP (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Trivandrum)

Hints of quantum gravity from the horizon fluid

For many years researchers have tried to glean hints about quantum gravity from black hole thermodynamics. We try a different approach using a minimal statistical mechanical model for the horizon fluid based on Damour-Navier-Stokes (DNS) equation. For asymptotically flat black hole spacetimes in General Relativity, we show explicitly that at equilibrium the entropy of the horizon fluid is the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. Further we show that, for the bulk viscosity of the fluctuations of the horizon fluid to be identical to Damour, a confinement scale exists for these fluctuations, implying quantization of the horizon area.

15th November, 2016 - 11:11:00 Taro KIMURA (Department of Physics, Keio University)

Elliptic deformation of W-algebras from 6d quiver gauge theory

In this talk, we show that the elliptic deformation of W-algebra is naturally realized using quiver gauge theory in six dimensions compactified on a torus. This construction is based on the gauge theoretical realization of W-algebra proposed in our previous study [arXiv:1512.08533]. In particular, double quantization of Seiberg-Witten geometry for Γ-quiver gauge theory provides a generating current of W(Γ)-algebra in the free field realization. We also show that the partition function is given by a correlator of the corresponding W(Γ)-algebra, which is equivalent to the AGT relation under the gauge/quiver (base/fibre; spectral) duality. This talk is based on a collaboration with V. Pestun [arXiv:1608.04651]

20th October, 2016 - 02:10:00 Michele CIRAFICI (Instituto Superior Técnico & IHES)

Framed BPS states from framed BPS quivers

In this talk I will focus on BPS states in supersymmetric field theories with N=2. In this theories one can consider a certain class of supersymmetric line operators. Such operators support a new class of BPS states, called framed BPS states. I will discuss a formalism based on quivers to understand these objects and their properties. Time permitting I will discuss a relation with the theory of cluster algebras.

14th September, 2016 - 02:09:00 Peter KOROTEEV (University of Minnesota & IHES)

Elliptic algebras and large-N supersymmetric gauge theories

We shall address the duality between supersymmetric gauge theories in various dimensions and elliptic integrable systems such as Ruijsenaars-Schneider model and periodic intermediate long wave hydrodynamics. These models arise in instanton counting problems and are described by certain elliptic algebras. We discuss the correspondence between the two types of models by employing the large-n limit of the dual gauge theory.

12th July, 2016 - 02:07:00 Artan SHESHMANI (MIT)

Donaldson-Thomas theories and modular forms and S-duality conjecture

I will start by an introduction to Donaldson Thomas theory and some of the statements about its modularity properties, as well as its connection to S-duality conjecture in superstring theory, made formerly by physicists Gaiotto, Strominger, Yin. I will then provide an algebraic geometric approach to prove this conjecture for DT invariants of sheaves supported on hyperplane sections of the quintic Calabi-Yau threefold.

18th May, 2016 - 03:05:00 Dmytro VOLIN (Trinity College Dublin & IHES)

All unitary representations of su(p,qIm)

Classification of all unitary representations of su(p,q|m) algebra with non-zero p,q,m should have been achieved a while ago, given the current level of the representation theory development. However, to our surprise, the literature on the subject contains some incomplete or incorrect  statements,  save the well-understood su(2,2|N) case. We therefore decided to address the question from scratch and were able to get a complete and concise description of the unitary dual for generic su(p,q|m). 


In the current talk: 

- The classification statement is presented in full generality, we also mention all the other real forms of gl(p+q|m,C).

- Shortening conditions naturally arise from considering of all possible choices of the Kac-Dynkin-Vogan diagram at once. 

- Schwinger oscillators are used to prove unitarity, with a novel option to work with non-integer weights  by representing the oscillator algebra in a generalisation of the Fock module. 

- A generalisation of Young diagrams inscribed into a T-hook [almost] bijectively labels the unitary dual. This opens interesting opportunities for new combinatorial identities.

13th April, 2016 - 03:04:00 Sergei ALEXANDROV (Université de Montpellier & IHES)

D-instantons, mock modular forms and BPS partition functions

I'll discuss the modular properties of D3-brane instantons appearing in Calabi-Yau string compactifications. I'll show that the D3-instanton contribution to a certain geometric potential on the hypermultiplet moduli space can be related to the elliptic genus of (0,4) SCFT. The modular properties of the potential imply that the elliptic genus associated with non-primitive divisors of Calabi-Yau is only mock modular. I'll show how to construct its modular completion and prove the modular invariance of the twistorial construction of D-instanton corrected hypermultiplet moduli space.

6th April, 2016 - 10:04:00 Nicolas BOULANGER (Université de Mons & IHES)

Spin two duality in linearised gravity around ads

1st April, 2016 - 10:04:00 Anne TAORMINA (Durham University & IHES)

Mathieu Moonshine

I shall give a brief introduction to Mathieu Moonshine, an observation made in 2010 in the context of string theory compactified on a K3 surface and whose significance in string theory remains elusive. Attempts to understand the mathematical structure behind this observation have included techniques from Number Theory, Group Theory and Geometry. I will discuss how geometry provides an interesting angle when attempting to explain the presence of the huge Mathieu 24 discrete symmetry in string theories compactified on a K3 surface.

12th January, 2016 - 02:01:00 Dmitri GUREVICH ()

Quantum matrix algebras and their applications

By quantum matrix algebras I mean these related to braidings (solutions to Quantum Yang-Baxter Equation) and in a sense similar to the classical matrix algebras. In first turn, I am interested in the so-called Reflection Equation algebra. By using it, me (in collaboration with P.Saponov) have introduced the notion of partial derivatives on the enveloping algebra U(gl(m)). This leads to a new type of Noncommutative Geometry (we call it Quantum Geometry), which is deformation of the classical one. In my talk I plan to consider a way of defining some dynamical models on U(u(2)) background.

8th January, 2016 - 11:01:00 Tin SULEJMANPASIC (North Carolina State University & IHÉS)

An inextricable link : semi-classics and complex saddles

I will discuss the use of semi-classics and instanton calculus and argue that, contrary to common wisdom, complex solutions of the equations of motion are a necessary ingredient of semi-classical expansion. In particular, I will show that without the complex solutions semi-classical expansion of supersymmetric theories cannot be reconciled with the constraints of supersymmetry. This has a natural interpretation in the Picard-Lefschetz theory.

2nd December, 2015 - 02:12:00 Vasily SAZONOV (University of Graz)

Convergent series : from lattice models to QCD

The standard perturbation theory leads to the asymptotic series because of the illegal interchange of the summation and integration. However, changing the initial approximation of the perturbation theory, one can generate the convergent series. We study the lattice \phi4-model and compare observables calculated using the convergent series and Monte Carlo simulations. Then, we discuss the generalization of the same ideas for the continuum \phi4-model and QCD.

12th November, 2015 - 11:11:00 Seth HOPPER (Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa & IHÉS)

Finding self-force quantities in a post-Newtonian expansion: Eccentric orbits on a Schwarzschild background

Small compact objects orbiting supermassive back holes are an important potential source of gravitational radiation. Detection of such waves and the parameter estimation of their sources will require accurate waveform templates. To this eventual end, I present work on bound eccentric motion around a static black hole. In two separate approaches, I examine solutions to the first order (in mass-ratio) field equations. First, I consider solving the field equations entirely analytically in a double post-Newtonian/small-eccentricity expansion. Then I show numeric work wherein we use the MST formalism to solve the field equations to 200 digits. We use this extreme accuracy to fit for previously unknown PN energy flux parameters, extending the previous state of the art from 3PN to 7PN.

27th October, 2015 - 02:10:00 Hovhannes M. KHUDAVERDIAN (The University of Manchester & IHÉS)

The modular class of an odd Poisson supermanifold and second order operators on half-densities

 Second order operator $\Delta$ on half-densities can be uniquely defined by its principal symbol  $E$ up to a `potential' $U$. If $\Delta$ is an odd operator such that order of  operator $\Delta^2$ is less than $3$ then principal symbol $E$ of this operator defines an odd Poisson bracket. We define the modular class of an odd Poisson supermanifold in terms of $\Delta$ operator defining the odd Poisson structure. In the case of non-degenerate odd Poisson structure (odd symplectic case) the modular class vanishes, and we come to canonical odd Laplacian on half-densities, the main ingridient of Batalin-Vilkovisky
formalism.  Then we consider examples of odd Poisson supermanifolds with non-trivial modular classes related with the Nijenhuis bracket.
The talk is based on the joint paper with M. Peddie: arXive: 1509.05686

13th October, 2015 - 02:10:00 Semyon KLEVTSOV (Université de Cologne)

Geometry of Quantum Hall states

I will talk about recent progress in understanding quantum Hall states on curved backgrounds and in inhomogeneous magnetic fields and their large N limits, N being the number of particles. The large N limit of the free energy of the Laughlin states in the integer Quantum Hall is controlled by the Bergman kernel expansion, and, in a sense, is exactly solvable to all orders in 1/N. For the fractional Laughlin states, the large N limit can be determined from free field representation. The terms in the large N expansion are given by various geometric functionals. In particular, the Liouville action shows up at the order O(1) in the expansion, and signifies the effect gravitational anomaly. The appearance of this term leads us to argue for the existence of a third quantized kinetic coefficient, precise on the Hall plateaus, in addition to Hall conductance and anomalous viscosity. Based on: 1309.7333, 1410.6802, 1504.07198 and upcoming work.

30th September, 2015 - 02:09:00 Michele CIRAFICI (Université de Lisbonne & IHÉS)

Theories of class S and line defects

The goal of this talk is to discuss some properties of line defects in certain supersymmetric QFTs, the so-called theories of class S. I will spend some time reviewing some old work of Gaiotto Moore and Neitzke on the emergence of Hitchin systems in these theories, and on certain coordinates on the associated moduli spaces. Line defects can then be understood as certain functions on these moduli spaces. If there is time I will present new results. The tone of the discussion will be informal.

20th May, 2015 - 02:05:00 Jnan MAHARANA (Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India & IHÉS)

Scattering of Stringy States and T-duality

I shall briefly review the salient features of target space duality (T-duality) and recall some essential results. I shall outline a prescription to derive the S-matrix for the scattering of massless stringy states that arise in the compactification of closed bosonic strings on a torus at the tree level. It will be shown that the S-matrix elements can be expressed in a T-duality invariant form. The Kawai-Lewellen-Tye formalism plays an important role in our approach.

21st April, 2015 - 02:04:00 Bertrand EYNARD (IPhT CEA/Saclay & CRM Montréal)

CFTs, and the (quantum) geometry of integrable systems

It has been realized recently that the c=1 conformal block of 4 point function in Liouville CFT is related to the Tau function of the Painlevé 6 integrable system. Here we propose a general construction: starting from a very general integrable system (a Hitchin system: the moduli space of flat G-connections over a Riemann surface, with G an arbitrary semi-simple Lie group), we define some "amplitudes", and we show that these amplitudes satisfy all the axioms of a CFT: they satisfy OPEs, Ward identities and crossing symmetry. The construction is very geometrical, by defining a notion of "quantum spectral curve" attached to a flat connection, defining homology and cohomology on it, and showing that amplitudes satisfy Seiberg-Witten like relations, and behave well under modular transformations. So this link between CFTs and integrable systems unearths a new and beautiful quantum geometry.

13th April, 2015 - 02:04:00 Ehsan HATEFI (Queen Mary University of London and Witwatersrand University & IHÉS)

String amplitudes of type IIA,IIB string theory with their α’ corrections

We would like to make various remarks on string amplitudes in type II string theory in which getting the exact and final form of the world sheet integrals up to five point mixed closed-open amplitudes to all orders are given. We are also going to to talk about all kinds of effective actions involving DBI, Chern-Simons and more importantly new Wess Zumino actions. Indeed we try to provide a comprehensive explanation even for D-brane-anti D-brane systems. We also introduce various new techniques to be able to derive all order α’ corrections to all type II super string effective actions. If time allows, we then mention several issues related to those effective actions as well.

7th April, 2015 - 11:04:00 Alexander Alexandrov (Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies & IHÉS)

Matrix models for intersection numbers

In my talk I will discuss a family of matrix models, which describes the generating functions of intersection numbers on moduli spaces both for open and closed Riemann surfaces. Linear (Virasoro\W-constraints) and bilinear (KP\MKP integrable hierarchies) equations follow from the matrix model representation.

10th February, 2015 - 02:02:00 Tomas PROCHAZKA (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague & IHÉS)

W infinity and triality

19th December, 2014 - 11:12:00 Marco BAGGIO (ETH Zürich & IHÉS)

tt∗ equations, localization and exact chiral rings in 4d N=2 SCFTs

20th June, 2014 - 10:06:00 Misha SHIFMAN (University of Minesota & IHÉS)

N=(0, 2) Deformation of (2, 2) Sigma Models: Geometric Structure, Holomorphic Anomaly and Exact Beta Functions

We study N=(0,2) deformed (2,2) two-dimensional sigma models. Such heterotic models were discovered previously on the world sheet of non-Abelian strings supported by certain four-dimensional N=1 theories. We study geometric aspects and holomorphic properties of these models, and derive a number of exact expressions for the beta functions in terms of the anomalous dimensions analogous to the NSVZ beta function in four-dimensional Yang-Mills. Instanton calculus provides a straightforward method for the derivation. We prove that despite the chiral nature of the model anomalies in the isometry currents do not appear for CP(N-1) at any N. This is in contradistinction with the minimal heterotic model (with no right-moving fermions) which is anomaly-free only for N=2, i.e. in CP(1). We also consider the N=(0,2) supercurrent supermultiplet (the so-called hypercurrent) and its anomalies, as well as the "Konishi anomaly." This gives us another method for finding exact β functions. A clear–cut parallel between N=1 4D Yang-Mills and N=(0,2) 2D sigma models is revealed.

22nd May, 2014 - 02:05:00 Piotr SULKOWSKI (University of Warsaw & Caltech)

3d gauge theories from homological knot invariants

Compactifications of M5-branes on non-trivial 3-manifolds lead to a N=2 supersymmetric theories in 3 dimensions. If the 3-manifold in question is a knot complement, various Chern-Simons amplitudes - or corresponding knot invariants - for this knot determine the properties of the resulting 3d, N=2 theory. This relation between N=2 theories and Chern-Simons theory is referred to as the 3d-3d correspondence. M-theory realization of this correspondence implies that N=2 theories obtained in this way possess one special flavor symmetry, which is related to certain deformation of Chern-Simons theory and homological knot invariants. In this talk I will discuss properties of these refined/homological invariants, and their role in the 3d-3d correspondence.

8th August, 2013 - 04:08:00 Nikita NEKRASOV (IHES)

BPS/CFT Correspondence

1st February, 2013 - 10:02:00 Eliezer RABINOVICI (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem & CERN TH)

BPS/CFT (In)Stabilities and complementarity in AdS/CFT